Best Medicines Care Guides for Residential Aged Care

Medicines Care Guides for Residential Aged Care

Best Medicines Care Guides for Residential Aged Care

The New Zealand Ministry of Health Provides Medicine Care Guides for Aged Care in New Zealand. The aim of the Medicines Care Guides is to provide a quick medicine management reference tool for all care staff working in residential aged care in New Zealand.
Below is the link to the Guidelines, these can be downloaded or you are able to order a hard copy from the MOH website.


Supreme Care Training

Best Medicines Care Guides for Residential Aged Care

Supreme Care provides compulsory ongoing training for all employees. This is organized through our annual training programme and ensures consistency and quality of service.

All staff are provided with Induction Training, Positive Practices, Back Care and treaty of Waitangi Training with recognised internal and external training providers.
It is hoped that Supreme Care will be your first choice in providing specialist day, residential, nursing and care support for your company

Areas of Ongoing Training consist of

  • First Aid
  • Medication
  • Safe Lifting and Transferring
  • Mental Health-Crisis Prevention Intervention
  • Brain Injury
  • Intellectual Disability
  • Infection Control
  • CPR
  • Dual Disability
  • Challenging Behaviour
  • Documentation

Intensive Training includes but is not limited to

  • Assessment
  • Applied
  • Behavioural Management
  • Skills Based Training
  • First Aid, CPI (Crisis Prevention and Intervention Techniques)
  • Intervention and Support in Education
  • Recreational Activities and Generally Meaningful Activity
  • Occupation and Self Management

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